魚界女人國 七萬年沒演化
花魚將(Poecilia latipinna)比鄰而居;而在北墨西哥的水域時,又與黑
摩麗魚(Poecilia sphenops, Molliensia sphenopsvar)同居。
「亞馬遜茉莉」是生活在美國德州和墨西哥的魚類,英國愛丁堡大學的研究人員長期研究此物種,發現牠們是以跟「其他物種」的雄性作某種互動(interaction)來刺激其雌性個體本身的繁殖(reproduction process),而生出來的下一帶基本上是母體的複製個體,而且並沒有遺傳任何雄性基因 ( The offspring are clones of their mother and do not inherit any of the male's DNA ),可以說是無性生殖。
或許「亞馬遜茉莉」偶而(ocassionally)會跟其他物種發生性行為;或許「亞馬遜茉莉」偶而會從其他物種身上弄些新的基因過來以更新(refresh)他們自己的基因庫(gene pool)。
研究人員猜想這種機制有可能也發生在其他物種身上,所以他們還要做更深入的研究。同時這項研究的報告已經發表在BMC Evolutionary Biology期刊雜誌上。
愛丁堡大學研究人員指出野外的「亞馬遜茉莉」需要藉由雄性精子來觸發(trigger,也就是我上面說的刺激啦 )牠們的繁殖,但在實驗室裡,研究人員用一根針就可以做到這樣的觸發,精子的作用是物理上的觸發,沒有基因上的貢獻,所以雄性DNA在此物種的繁演中不是必要的。
No sex for all-girl fish species | |
A fish species, which is all female, has survived for 70,000 years without reproducing sexually, experts believe. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh think the Amazon Molly may be employing special genetic survival "tricks" to avoid becoming extinct. The species, found in Texas and Mexico, interacts with males of other species to trigger its reproduction process. The offspring are clones of their mother and do not inherit any of the male's DNA. Typically, when creatures reproduce asexually, harmful changes creep into their genes over many generations. The species will eventually have problems reproducing and can often fall victim to extinction. Scientists at Edinburgh University have been studying complex mathematical models on a highly powerful computing system to look at the case of the Amazon Molly. Researchers calculated the time to extinction for the fish based on modelling genetic changes over many thousands of generations. They are now able to say conclusively, for the first time, the fish ought to have become extinct within the past 70,000 years, based on the current simple models. Scientists believe the fish, which are still thriving in rivers in south-east Texas and north-east Mexico, are using special genetic survival "tricks" to help them stay alive. One theory is that the fish may occasionally be taking some of the DNA from the males that trigger reproduction, in order to refresh their gene pool. Species tricks Dr Laurence Loewe, of the university's School of Biological Sciences, said: "What we have shown now is that this fish really has something special going on and that some special tricks exist to help this fish survive. "Maybe there is still occasional sex with strangers that keeps the species alive. Future research may give us some answers." He added that their findings could also help them understand more about how other creatures operate. "I think one of the interesting things is that we are learning more about how other species might use these tricks as well," he said. "It might have a more general importance." The Edinburgh-led study was carried out in collaboration with Dr Dunja Lamatsch at the University of Wuerzburg, now at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The research is published in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. |